
Mastering the Circular Economy book launch in 2021!

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After the international success of MASTERING THE SUPPLY CHAIN , a new textbook by Rozanne Henzen and Ed Weenk on Circular Economy will be published in May 2021 titled: ‘MASTERING THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY – A Practical Approach to the Circular Business Model Transformation’.

This highly anticipated textbook fully capitalizes on the power of experiential learning. By incorporating business simulation game, The Blue Connection, as an integral part of the book, the reader can immediately put theory to practice. At Inchainge, we are confident that this publication will set a new standard for textbooks on Circular Economy and bring the integral learning experience with The Blue Connection to the next level.

A sneak preview into the book


  • 15 chapters on Circular Economy (CE) and playing The Blue Connection (TBC)
  • 130+ figures to illustrate theory and practice
  • 90+  exercises
  • 300+  references

Part One: Exploring circularity

A helicopter view of the main important principles, i.e. relevant theories, frameworks & concepts of the Circular Economy, and the relationships between them will be presented. 

Part Two: Mastering circularity  

Focuses on practically applying the fundamental concepts from Part One. Here, ‘The Blue Connection’ business game will be the main vehicle that will serve for the application of the individual concepts that were introduced in Part One. 

Part Three: Imagining the transformation from linear to circular  

Elaborates on how to achieve the transition from the current linear value chains to true circular solutions.

An Integrated Learning Approach

In the same spirit as the novel textbook MASTERING THE SUPPLY CHAIN, this new publication adopts an integrated learning approach:

Specifically, there are four main desires behind the topics chosen for the book and the strong emphasis on practical application:

  1. The desire to put the increasing need for developing 21st century skills such as critical thinking, complex problem solving, and coordinating with others into the practical context of circularity.
  2. The desire to actively address the recurring theme of ‘simple but not easy‘, i.e. to provide a way to make learners feel first-hand the many complexities of actually applying the often relatively straightforward concepts and frameworks at play in circularity.
  3. The desire to combine the multiple perspectives on circularity into one coherent and holistic view on the topic, focusing in particular on the company perspective, the leadership perspective, and perspective beyond the company frontiers.
  4. The desire to offer experiential learning, a powerful and proven concept, as a tool develop and train critical skills.

MASTERING THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY (MCE) is supported by multimedia online resources for learners and for lecturers and trainers. This includes interactive  use of The Blue Connection textbook since readers can access the standard option of the game for free.

More information coming soon!

Stay tuned for more exclusive information on the MCE book launch. Interested? Find out more by contacting us directly at or request a book preview.