Global Educator Challenge

It’s official, we are back with a new edition.
Save the date: November 12thth, 2024!

Register now

Global Educator Challenge

It’s official, we are back with a new edition.
Save the date: November 12thth, 2024!

Register now

The Challenge Concept

After the great success of our 2023 edition, we are back again with a combined Global Educator Challenge and Global Trainer Challenge! Connect and expand your network with our community of educators and trainers.

You’ll not only compete against educators but also professional trainers from all around the world! You can be the captain of your own team with your colleagues or peers. Challenge them in Market Expansion, showcasing your cross-functional approach and alignment.

You must have one (max. two) certified educators in any of Inchainge’s business games per team. A team should consist of at least four educators.

Are you currently part of our certification process? Instead of the practice rounds after following one of our Train the Trainer (live or self-paced), you can participate in this challenge.

About the Challenge

The Global Educator Challenge starts on November 12th, and it takes place fully online.

The challenge will cover our learning solution: Supply Chain and Market Expansion powered by The Fresh Connection.
Participants will play six rounds for three weeks in teams of four (maximum five). The participants will get to run their own virtual company – the juice manufacturing company whose performance has been declining. Participants must get the company back on track quickly and efficiently. Showcasing the strategic skills and insights needed to navigate the complex world of supply chain expansion.

With this year’s theme of Market Expansion, you’ll experience:



You will experience the impact of your decision in real-time across the business within the simulation and not just function in silos.

How to join?

  • Conditions for creating your own team:
  • The team has to consist of a maximum of 5 participants (minimum 4)
  • One (max. two) of the members must be a certified educator (complete Train the Trainer certification) in one of Inchainge’s business games. Certified educators can thus invite peers without experience. These can be from your own university, or from other universities as well.
  • Only the team captain has to register and we will contact you for the contact details of your team members after registration.
  • Must be teaching in higher education.
  • Register with a university email address.
No team? No problem!

You can sign up individually or with your colleagues. We will assign you to a team or complete it for you with peers from across the globe!

Why you should join the Global Educator Challenge?

Experience the power of true alignment
Increase cross-functional knowledge and awareness
Develop advanced decision-making skills
Learn how to effectively manage trade-offs
Gain knowledge of how to put Strategy into Action
See that benefits of collaboration are measurable
Learn to challenge decisions and underlying assumptions
Build effective teams
Discover new functionalities
Be rewarded for excellence
Expand your international network
Become The Global Educator World Champion

Full Program

Start of the Challenge

November 12th, 2024

Rounds 1 & 2
November 12th
Round 3 & 4
Debrief & Leaderboard session
November 20th



November 27th, 2024
3 PM CET (UTC +1)
9 AM EST (UTC -5)

Award Ceremony

Debrief & Leaderboard sessions

Duration of the sessions: 1 hour

The sessions will take place weekly before the opening of the rounds. During those sessions, you will find out the instructions for the next rounds and find out who the top teams of the previous rounds are. 

At least one team member must be present for each session. 

Past Edition Experience

The Global Educator Challenge 2022: A recap of Inchainge’s international supply chain competition!

After the two successful previous editions of the Global Educator Challenge, which gave professors across the planet an opportunity to compete against each other in teams of 4 or 5 by playing the supply chain business game, The Fresh Connection, the event was renewed for winter 2022. In the period from November 7th until December 16th, educators from 32 institutions in higher education from 12 countries have competed for the title of Global Educator Challenge World Champion!

Our team brought together educators from four continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. Each of us with different backgrounds and experiences. We all understood that this was a team effort. From that, it is pretty clear that there is no room for ego or silo thinking.

This, plus the early definition of roles and rules of interaction, made it possible for the team to perform well from the beginning. Time differences and remote coordination were challenging but both the use of remote collaboration tools (Zoom, WhatsApp and emails) and the user-friendliness of the simulation platform facilitated the experience.

Winning team from Spring Edition 2021

I feel the Challenge is a great opportunity to meet with colleagues, feel the same experience we have to create in our courses with students and to have training in situations that usually we don’t get in the classroom.

In the fall edition, it was a great idea to mix educators with and without experience with the business game in the same team. This included other goals to play as a team with different knowledge levels of the business game. Plus, we had to try to win, support our colleagues to understand the business game, motivate us all to be one aligned team, and everything at the same time! I will for sure continue to play with my students in my courses and participate in the next Challenges.

Dr. C. Igor Lopes Martinez, professor at Universidad Tecnólogica de La Habana "Jose Antonio Echeverría", CUJAE


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