About the teaching case

Tauchen Sie zusammen mit Ihren Studierenden in die Online-Simulation “The Fresh Connection” (watch only) ein, um eine umfassende Fallstudie zu Risikomanagement zu durchleben.

In „The Fresh Connection“ werden die Studierenden mit einem von Covid-19 ausgelösten Lieferkettenproblem konfrontiert: ein Safthersteller hat Schwierigkeiten Vitamin C aus China zu beziehen. Begleitet von einer im Harvard-Stil geschriebenen Fallstudie werden die Studierenden aufgefordert, Empfehlungen zur Lösung des Problems zu finden. Das Lernziel für die Studierenden: ein Verständnis für die Prinzipien von Risikomanagement zu kriegen.


Was beinhaltet dieser Online Teaching Case?:

  • Fallstudie im Harvard-Stil über Risikomanagement und COVID-19
  • Diskussionsthemen und Fragestellungen als Vorlesungsmaterial
  • Einführungsvideo zu „The Fresh Connection“
  • Zugang zum interaktiven Online Business Game „The Fresh Connection“ für Studierende und Dozent (watch only Version)
  • Vollständige Vorlesungsunterlagen zur Verwendung der Simulation und der Fallstudie

Meet the authors

Ed Weenk, EngD

Freelance professional: Supply Chain | Consulting | Business Gaming | Training


Senior Lecturer

Maastricht School of Management

Senior associate professor

EADA Business School Barcelona

My professional passions are sustainable operations & supply chain, managers & management, projects & project management, training & teaching and business simulations & experiential learning.

My latest book, “Mastering the circular economy. A practical approach to the circular business model transformation”, was published in May 2021 by Kogan Page. Previous books are “Mastering the Supply Chain. Principles, practice and real-life applications” from 2019, available in English and Dutch and “The Perfect Pass. What the manager can learn from the football trainer”, from 2012, published in Dutch, English and Spanish.

Michiel Steeman

Managing Director



Windesheim University of Applied Sciences


Annona Deep Tier Impact Finance bv

Chairman of the Board

Supply Chain Finance Community

Board Member

GSRD Foundation

In 2012 I launched The Cool Connection, a business simulation and training tool that bridges the physical and financial supply chain by bringing together finance, sales, procurement and supply chain in a virtual decision-making environment.  From 2009 to 2012 I was elected into the Executive Committee of Factors Chain International, a worldwide organization with more than 300 members in over 65 countries. I hold a Master’s degree in Financial Economics from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. My working experience includes a variety of roles for Deutsche, NIB Capital, NMB-Heller such as relationship management, risk management and marketing. In my last role at ING, I was member of the board and responsible for product development and strategy for leasing and factoring with operations in 14 countries and almost 3000 employees. My further interests include traveling, hiking, mountaineering and of course my family as a proud father of three daughters.

Britta Scherer

Independent Logistics Consultant


External lecturer for logistics events

DHBW Mosbach, Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Hochschule Reutlingen

Britta Scherer holds a diploma in Business Administration and Logistics Management, and is a Supply Chain Management lecturer and trainer, as well as an Education Associate for the DACH region. Britta teaches SCM, Purchasing and Procurement, and Service Providing Logistics at the Universities of Mosbach, Heilbronn, Stuttgart, Reutilingen, Goppingen, and Frankfurt.

Furthermore, she is an Associate and authorized Signatory at DILOG GmbH, Heilbronn as well as an independent logistics consultant at SonoLog Britta Scherer, which focuses on strategic site planning, global planning, processes, logistics in infrastructure, and preparing outsourcing decision.