Every year, professional teams from hundreds of companies all around the world go through public supply chain management training with the business simulation game The Fresh Connection. The unique learning experience people go through in The Fresh Connection is built on experiential learning and given its track record (e.g. 40% of Fortunes’ top 100 manufacturers), it can be considered a proven concept.
The idea is that teams of four take on four management roles: supply chain, operations, sales, and purchasing. The teams are then challenged to make the best strategic and tactical choices to save a virtual manufacturing company, The Fresh Connection, from financial ruin. The public training sessions are organized by our Challenge Partners and are meaningful learning experiences in their own right.
For teams who want to go the extra mile and benchmark their Value Chain Management skills against the best in the world, we organize the yearly Global PRO Challenge. Here we pit teams from across the globe against each other. Only the best progress to the Global Final where they battle for the World Champion title of Supply Chain Management and an ExecEd SCM course at MIT!
Every edition of the challenge has a current supply chain theme. Some examples from recent years are Sales and Operations Planning, Carbon Footprint, Supply Chain Risk Management, Strategy Segmentation, Logistics Footprint, and Multi-Channel.
This year’s edition of The Global PRO Challenge will be focusing on Supply Chain Resilience. Participants will face a specific setup in which they have to manage a supply chain in a way that is always ready to take action.
Can you mitigate black swans under time pressure, be the fastest to recover, and get back to a stable situation? You will also have the chance to discover what exactly a resilient supply chain entails.
Please visit our webpage for The Global PRO Challenge to find out more about pricing, this year’s theme, the concept, etc.
No need for more information? Register now with your team and start preparing for the competition!