about our team

About our Team

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Over the past decade, we have built a team of highly motivated colleagues who are the embodiment of Inchainge. Our vision: we develop Value Chain Leaders! Our mission is to advance the hard- and soft skills of students and professionals by providing the ultimate learning experience.

Based in De Bilt (The Netherlands), we disseminate our business simulation games globally and are constantly seeking new opportunities. Working for Inchainge is challenging and fun. We perpetually improve and innovate, adapting our products to the rapidly developing world of Value Chain Management!

Hans Kremer

Co-founder and Director

Michiel Steeman

Managing Director

Egge Haak

Co-founder and Director

Jacky Emerencia

Senior Education Advisor

Antoon Pot

Director Operations

Kirill Chelombitko

Product Management

Noah Schaul

Global Director Corporate Training

Annette de Jong

Teamleader Development

Angie Bedoya

Head of Marketing & Communications

Ayoub Mansouri

Manager Operations

Maria Ourani

Orders & Customer Support

Valia Papadopoulou

Orders & Customer Support

Anelka Manukian

Education Advisor

Chiara Pea

Corporate Training Coordinator

Rada Lazarova

Corporate Training Coordinator

Aisha Agaidarova

Digital Marketing Manager

Anastasiia Levchenko

& Communications Manager

Elena López-Dóriga

Education Advisor

Thu Nguyen

Education Advisor

Hugo Bink

Senior Analyst

Prof. Dr.C. Igor Lopes Martínez

Product Specialist

Bianca Maxim

Education Advisor

Kaushik Ghatak

Director Education, APAC